
Meet the Staff

Licensed Massage Therapists, School Faculty, and Administrators

Jena Massie


  • Owner, Director

  • Licensed Massage Therapist Since December of 2002 #MT034729

  • Massage Instructor Since 2007 #MI1663

  • Continuing Education Provider Since 2009 #CE1461

  • Nationally Licensed Massage Therapist Since 2010

  • Licensed Massage Establishment #ME 2580

  • Graduate of the University of Houston Downtown Since 2013

  • Bachelor's Degree of Business Administration with a major in Finance

  • Director of Massage Therapy Educational Institute #MS 1049 Since 2014

  • NASM Nationally Certified Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach Since 2021

Previous Experience: Licensed Massage Therapist Since December of 2002, Wellness Coach Since 2003, Massage Instructor Since 2007, Continuing Education Provider Since 2009, Nationally Licensed Massage Therapist Since 2010, Massage Establishment Business Owner Since 2012, Graduate of the University of Houston Downtown with a Bachelor's Degree of Business Administration with a major in Finance Since 2013, Director of Massage Therapy Educational Institute since July 2014, Nationally Certified Personal Trainer Since 2021

Why I Choose Massage:
I am a Licensed Massage Therapist because I enjoy the satisfaction that I receive after significantly reducing a client's pain level, while increasing their range of motion, and helping them escape from the stresses of reality. I have completed over 43,000 hours of Therapeutic Massages since my licensure. I specialize in a combination of Deep-Tissue and Neuro-muscular Therapy. I practice massage on a range of clients that have sedentary business life-styles to professional athletes to help prevent injuries through body maintenance with regularly scheduled massage appointments.

I am a Massage Instructor because I personally enjoy the challenges of teaching others how to help clients feel better through an understanding of the structure and functions of the body's systems. I have over 25,000 hours of classroom experience teaching the state required course to become a Licensed Massage Therapist and helping Licensed Massage Therapists complete their continuing education requirements to renew their licenses.

angel m.

In 2020, I started my journey into a career I am passionate about. Massage and Wellness Therapy had always been a niche in life for me. I trained at Serenity Massage School in Kingwood, Tx. I practice Lymphatic Drainage, Lipo Massage, Ear Candling, Sports Massage, Swedish Massage, and Deep-tissue Massage with stretching, as well as Therapeutic Massage for the body’s focused needs. I utilize my intuitive gifts and attention to detail for every client and strive for their overall body and mind to truly reach peace and relaxation. Often times I’m able to give self-help techniques you can use to help with pain relief while at home. In the future, I hope to broaden my skill set and knowledge, although I have been on my journey for a couple years, there is so much more I want to learn. I welcome you to come join me at Serenity Massage for your massage therapy sessions! MT#136479


I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and have been practicing massage therapy since graduating from a 650-hour program at Milan Institute in San Antonio, Texas in 2012. As a massage therapist, I have always been interested in how the body works and traditional healing practices. After working several years in a spa, med spa, and doctor's offices, I enjoyed helping people relax and feel better. Massage therapy is a great way to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and ease pain. I am passionate about helping people feel their best and reach their wellness goals. I am starting a new journey as a Massage Therapy Instructor at Serenity Massage. I specialize in several modalities, including classic Swedish massage, deep-tissue massage, hot stone massage, pre-natal massage, trigger-point release, sports massage, geriatric massage, cupping, reflexology, body wraps and scrubs, craniosacral therapy, and myofascial release. I also offer sound and charka energy healing sessions using biofield tuning forks. In addition to practicing massage therapy, I have a business management background and experience as a CNA in rehabilitation facilities. I also enjoy reading, gardening, water sports, and spending time with family and friends. Don't hesitate to contact the front office to schedule your next massage with me. MT#117559

vanessa s.

I completed my massage studies from the Relax Station in Kingwood, Tx in 2004. My passion is the need to help people with their health needs, which prompted my career in the health and wellness industry. I am Board Certified in Christian Counseling, Colon Hydrotherapy, Licensed Massage Therapy and practice Swedish Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, Hot Stone Therapy, Trigger-Point Therapy, Prenatal, Sports and Deep-Tissue Massage. I have recently advanced my educational accomplishments and am a new Massage Instructor at Serenity Massage PLLC. I am excited about sharing my extensive experience and skill-set with new students. My passion is seeing people rejuvenated and most of all well. It excites me to see the smiles after each session and promotes much encouragement for both my clients and myself as a therapist. I love meeting new clients and working with them to improve their health and well-being. MT#037657

Anna g.

I completed my massage education at Serenity Massage School in 2022. I graduated with Honors from the 650 Hour Advanced Program of study which certified me in 23 different massage and spa services. I specialize in Therapeutic Massage for pain management. The next time you are seeking relief from stiff or sore muscles and limited range of motion, call and ask for Anna. MT#137435

Cindy B.

I completed my massage education at Serenity Massage School in 2021 and am now a Licensed Massage Therapist at Serenity Massage P.L.L.C. I graduated from the 650 Hour Advanced Program of study which certified me in 23 different massage and spa services. I have a thriving interest in helping people reach their health and healing goals. Although I am certified in multiple different modalities, I enjoy giving Therapeutic Massage, Swedish Massage, and Reflexology the most. When I am not working, I enjoy time outside with my family. I look forward to providing you a much-needed massage. MT#137992

jenny Y.

I have been a Kinesiology instructor at Serenity Massage School since February of 2022. I am a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach who enjoys sharing my knowledge and experience with the students in Massage School. I help students maintain healthy body mechanics to avoid overuse injuries as well as help students to maintain strength and flexibility to provide massage therapy services without pain.


My name is Kathryn Swift, Licensed Massage Therapist since 2000. I started my education to became a massage therapist when I was taking nursing classes in Arkansas. When I came back to Texas, I changed my major from nursing to massage therapy. My specialized skill sets are Deep-tissue massage, Swedish massage, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage, and comfort touch for the older generation, but young at heart. I am seasoned in my skills and massage therapy is my passion. My pressure is strong when I need to be, and gentle when needed. My first concern is always the client. MT#025194


I graduated from Serenity Massage School in 2021 from the Advanced 650-Hour Program. I took a year away to care for my father, and now I’m back working with this wonderful team at Serenity. Some of the modalities I offer are Swedish Massage, Therapeutic Massage, and Maternity Massage. I was encouraged by my daughter to be a Licensed Massage Therapist. Since she was involved in many activities, I was constantly massaging her as she grew up. I love to travel and venturing out to new restaurants. I like collecting beach towels from places I have been as well. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about me. I’m looking forward to helping others to feel their very best. MT# 137911

edie k.

I completed my massage therapy education at Serenity Massage School in February of 2024 and am now a Licensed Massage Therapist at Serenity Massage P.L.L.C. I graduated the 650 Hour Advanced Program and am now certified in 23 different massage and spa services. My passion is to help people manage the daily stress of life and assist with pain management. I specialize in Swedish Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Trigger-Point Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Reflexology and Spa services. I look forward to assisting you on your healing journey. MT#140136

Jaiden m.

I have been a team member of Serenity Massage since May of 2018. I am currently attending high school full-time as well as playing high school Varsity Softball. My responsibilities include Administrative Assistant tasks as well as Assistant Director tasks. I am learning the beauty industry to increase my customer service skills until my graduation. I aspire to attend Esthetics college to become certified in Cosmetology to offer hair and skin care services within the next two years. If there is anything that could make your spa experience more beneficial, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Barbara e.

I have been a team member of Serenity Massage since October of 2020. I am currently the Assistant Director at Serenity and help Jena manage every administrative aspect of the company from scheduling to excellent customer service. I currently have a full-time position as an Office Manager and I choose to share my time in the evenings and weekends supporting the team of providers as Serenity.


I have been a team member of Serenity Massage since May of 2022. I am currently the Assistant Director at Serenity and help Jena manage internal payroll calculations and massage school records. My responsibilities include keeping records confidential, maintaining changing regulations with additional training responsibilities, and being detail oriented to consistently provide timely and accurate reports.


I have been a team member of Serenity Massage since August of 2022. I am currently the Assistant Director at Serenity and help Jena manage massage school requirements and records. My responsibilities include meeting timely deadlines, completing different types of training for certifying students receiving VA benefits to attend Serenity Massage School, and completing COMTA Accreditation requirements. My most recent accomplishment is becoming certified with the Department of Veterans Affairs as a School Certifying Official.


I have been a team member at Serenity Massage since July of 2023. I am currently an Administrative Assistant and front desk Receptionist. I have over 15 years of work experience in customer service. I take great joy in helping others and being recognized as a dependable person. In my free time, I love spending time with my family and friends.


I have been a team member of Serenity Massage since January 2024. I am currently the Receptionist and an Administrative Assistant. My responsibilities include making clients feel welcomed, and setting up appointments for our Licensed Massage Therapists and student interns. I have 8 years of customer service experience that I am looking forward to sharing with all the clients of Serenity. My future goals are to go back to school to become a Radiology Technician to continue my path of helping others!